Three things. I repeatedly talk about three things that help to keep people, myself included in that category, on track and self-accountable. 1. You are where you are because of the choices you have made. 2. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. 3. God has a plan. He is not surprised by anything happening in your world. Those three beliefs have helped me for years and I know have helped others. In fact, other than, lead with love, my entire platform/belief system...whatever you want to call it, is based on those statements. And they work pretty well. It helps us to take responsibility for the choices of our lives. It helps us to have a bit of "control" over our little corner of the world. It's an overwhelming thought believing that we have to try and "fix" others or try and change them in order to make us happy, or make our world feel orderly. It's not possible. The only person we have any say over is ourselves. The only person we can change... is looking back at us from the mirror. It's not just a set of beliefs... those statements are based in fact. When you feel you've wandered down the wrong path and are bumped up against a brick wall, you can... every time... go backwards and see the choices that were made that got you there. And even more than the choices; the thoughts you were thinking at the time that convinced you of those choices. Which halts any kind of "victim mentality" of "why is this happening to me?" (Yes, I realize there are things that have nothing to do with our choices, and the random acts of others, but let's focus on the bigger picture of how we govern our own lives regardless- sometimes in spite of- those around us. Okay? ) And I believe that. I believe that with all of my being. And it's easy to share these statements as advice or "warnings" to others while everything is sunny and rosy in our world. But... what happens when it's you. What if it's you that have found yourself in dire straits and you can't accept why or how you got there. Do you still believe? Are those statements still true? Do they still stand the fact-test? Yes. They do. 2023 began for me with the startling discovery that my husband had emptied our bank account and abandoned all responsibilities in our marriage. He broke all communication. And just walked away. (Here is where I say this isn't the first time he's walked away from our marriage... this is actually number three.) You can see where I'm going with this, right? While I was... (and am, still) shocked... Surprised... Hurt... I can see the path of my choices. And when I am crying to God about my anguish, He comforts me, because He knew this was coming. The red flags were there all along. I saw them. I ignored them. I have my reasons for going back again and again trying to hold a crumbling marriage together, but they were wrong. I didn't want to see. I didn't want to believe. I am where I am today because of choices I made... or perhaps, didn't make. I refused to see the person before me and instead chose to believe that I could love enough for both of us. I chose to believe that I "couldn't" leave the marriage because he needed me. I chose to believe that if I just hang on, things would work themselves out... we just had to get to this point... or that goal. It's a hard truth when you have to look at that face in the mirror and acknowledge that you let her down. The lack of making choices... got us here. Abandoned and facing bankruptcy. I may have had the best of intentions. I may have believed I could fix things. I may have known that he didn't love me in return. But the choices I made... put me right here. You are where you are supposed to be. How could I possibly be where I'm supposed to be? I can accept that I made bad choices. Loved the wrong people. Trusted the wrong people, but do I deserve to be here? I have been humiliated! I have been financially destroyed! Is this really what my life is supposed to be? I am filled with shame. I am fighting depression. I am being lied about and slandered. My very integrity is being brought into question! I am in such a deep, engulfing pain that it can't POSSIBLY be what is supposed to be happening right now, right? Yes. Apparently it is. God knows what's happening. And He is not surprised. So... if I believe number 3. I have to believe number 2. And if I TRULY believe number 3, I need to dig in and find out what He wants me to learn from this. Therefore, I need to lean into Him even more and not do ANYTHING without consulting Him. I am obviously grounded from making my own choices for a while because I think with my heart and not my head. God says, "come to me and I will give you rest". He says to lay my burdens at His feet. He says that HE is the way the truth and the light and HE will make all things work for those who believe in Him. He will grant me strength in my waiting and I will get through this. I will make new choices. I will cry. I will be sad. I will allow the feelings of guilt and abandonment to pass through me, but I will choose not to stay there. I will not seek revenge. I will forgive, but I will not forget. I will smile to the world even though my heart and, let's be honest, my dignity is shredded. I will take that next step and believe that this is only a season. It is because of my integrity that I will come out of this... maybe not today, maybe not next month, but I stand on the truth of my actions. Words are only words... I don't usually stay "down" for long. And I hope and pray this year will not be any different along those lines. I will fall back on my big three: I am where I am because of the choices I made. I am exactly where I am supposed to be and I will allow God to use this experience to mold me and repurpose it for His glory. God was not surprised by these events. He knows my heart. He knows my blind spots. He knows my compassion. He knows resilience. And ... I will continue to lead with love. It may be at arms length for a while, but... love is love and I can't not give it away. It's no one else's fault. (Well... maybe ONE PERSON... but...) It's no one else's fault that I should withhold love from others. When I feel lost in my purpose; when I feel thrown off track, I hit the reset button and always go back to the original assignment: Love others as I have loved you. Copy that.
1 Comment
Peggy Beach
2/18/2023 04:03:08 pm
Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties. But you are absolutely correct in your statements about we are where we are because of our choices and that God is not surprised by our circumstances. How wonderful to know that our loving Heavenly Father is always looking out for our good, despite our poor, though well-meaning, choices. I'm praying for you, Dear Heart. Know for certain that you are loved by so many people who want the BEST for you. I so often have thought of Joseph and his 17 years of hardships before being raised up to a position of prominence in Pharoah's house, ultimately saving his family and all of Egypt from starvation. Sometimes it takes a rough road to teach us the lessons God has for us and to mold us into the vessels He can use. And sometimes our difficulties are not due to anything we have said or done, yet God can bring good out of the bad and move us into the place of His choosing. Know that He is for you and will direct your paths. Extra promise from His word - Isaiah 43-1-3. Love you, cousin!
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