Winners from Goodreads! Congratulations to all the winners from the Goodreads Giveaway for my latest release, Waiting for the Sun!! Thank you so much for entering to win!! I sincerely hope you enjoy Waiting for the Sun and if it so moves you that you feel compelled to post a glowing review on Goodreads and Amazon. I so enjoy creating the stories and am so very grateful when my work is well received. For those who did not win, I have a list of who entered, so if you are interested in purchasing a copy for yourself, I'd be happy to give you a code to take $3 off the $14.99 cover price as a thank you for entering! Just shoot me an e-mail or contact me here on the site!) So- Congratulations again to: Melissa Bush, Traci Ann Ladner, Kathryn Dyche-Dechario, Jenette LeBeau, Scott Harris, Samantha Sookdeosingh, Michelle Domangue, Mary Michelle Tharp, Ann Madison, and Sally Huang And thank you again to everyone for their continued support and encouragement for me to keep writing!
Announcing Waiting for the Sun Release Finally! My second work of fiction, Waiting for the Sun, hits the book stores today! I was more than a little worried about this novel because it was SO completely different from my last book, Captive Heart. It's still in the same category or Christian- fiction, but while one is historical fiction, this new one is set in a contemporary setting. I am hoping that my readers will give this new work a chance. But just in case they didn't, I decided to get some pre-reviews to hopefully open up to a wider audience. Here's a glimpse of the notes I have gotten back: "I just realized that I am too soon to post my review! I did enjoy your book. I loved the fostering of the children on the huge ranch. Good job!" - Cindi Klemm "I have to tell you that I love, love, love your book... I couldn't put it down! I can really see and feel the characters and setting. I am excited to be reading your book in a way I don't often get. I hope you have other books so I can read more!" - Julia Wilson "Elizabeth Bourgeret! You have done it again! I am SO proud of you! I don't know what you were worried about!" Needless to say, I'm feeling a little better about Waiting for the Sun being added to my published library! Being a writer has to be one of the neatest things in the whole world!! It thrills me to no end, and yes, I giggle every time, to see one of my books pop up on the internet or see my name in printed form. It's like... I am somebody now. Like, my work will be around long after I'm gone and my children's children's children can say, 'yep, that was my great- grammy!" It feels good. Like anything made in a creative way, it's always scary to put it out there for the rest of the world to critique. And while I smile for days for every 5 star review I get, I ponder and question and doubt and dwell on every low star. (who rarely put a review with it so I am tormented as to WHY!!) But, so it goes. I am happy to say that the 5 stars FAR outweigh the low stars, and so I am encouraged to keep writing. Which I am thankful for because it gives me great satisfaction. I thought I was content just writing for myself and my family, but the joy I receive by being welcomed in the hearts of people I haven't even met yet, is too much for words. I am so very grateful. So for those who might be interested, here is the little blurb from the back of the book to hopefully pique your interest: Waiting for the Sun is the story of Gillian Sanders who's husband left her after many years of marriage. She took what might have been her darkest hour and turned it around by moving to a new state, opening her home to foster children, running a cattle ranch and teaching at the local theatre. Making sure she is too busy for romance, she focuses on her "kids" until a man she never expects fits right into her life... or does he? Sometimes hiding from love is the best way to find it. Waiting for the Sun is available on, at your local book stores (don't see it? Ask them to order it for you!) or right here on this website! BONUS: If you order from here, and purchase $25 or more (on any books) you will receive a free canvas book bag! Good while supplies last! Order your copy of WAITNG FOR THE SUN today! Right now!! The Spring Photo Shoot is complete and I think we can call it a success! The weather was absolutely beautiful and everyone was in a great mood and we even managed to get some good shots! This photo shoots purpose was to get an author photo for the upcoming release of my second Christian-fiction novel, Waiting for the Sun that comes out on May 20th. But it should also give me some good publicity photos for any number of other things coming up. The pictures with the quotes on them seem to do really well and get shared quite often, so I get a lot of feedback from them. With the back drop of some of these photos, (they were taken at the Missouri Botanical Gardens! 80 acres of beautifulness!!) they are perfect for some quotes I've got laying around!! Lol And lastly, the website needed a little cleaning up so some of the pictures will be featured there as well. A little bit of me splashed all over the place! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my make-up artist, Mary Spezia. She is my go-to girl when it comes to my face and hair. She takes really good care of me and always knows the "look" I am going for. She is patient and funny and is always ready for a touch-up. She is not afraid to hold up the process if she doesn't think I look "just right"! And I love her for that!! Also, thank you to Iramil Kneemiller for assisting my awesome photographer and for making sure the was set up right, my arm was in the right spot and the wrinkles were pulled out before any film was wasted! And my photographer, Shaun Kneemiller. I love working with this man! He is so very talented and has such a brilliant eye. While his wife and my make-up artist were making me fabulous, he was patient and would fill his time taking pictures of other things around us. (Which turned out amazing as well!!) He is destined for great things in the photography world and I am honored to be able to say that I found him first!! We work together so well and I only have to describe an idea and he is off and running with it. I am so happy that he takes the time out of his busy schedule for me. So, back to this whole author photo thing... I am asking for help in choosing the actual photo that will be used on the back cover of the book. So, if you are so inclined to add your opinion, I would be most grateful. You'll be able to see the photos revealed one at a time on Facebook (Elizabeth Bourgeret- Author or EBourgeret), twitter (EBourgeret), google+ (+ElizabethBourgeret) or instagram (EBourgeret) all next week. If you could let me know what you think by leaving a comment or sharing or liking, I can narrow down the choices. I love having your opinions! So, follow me on the social media outlets and let me know what you think of Shaun's handiwork!! I am so grateful to have people around me that love me and encourage me! Thank you to everyone that helps Elizabeth Bourgeret be all that I am supposed to be!! |
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August 2024