I am so excited. Lavender Letters has turned a year old and it is loved by its subscribers. Every author wants their readers to enjoy what they create and of course, this is no different, except that Lavender Letters is VERY different from a one-and-done book. For those who are not familiar with Lavender Letters, it was created (in my brain) while I was traveling west on the Oregon Trail (in true time- or as closely as possible!). I was completely entrenched in the culture and lifestyles of the people (women) who braved this most treacherous journey! They would leave their homes and families knowing full well they may never see them again, but are so pulled by the "new" or their husbands, they are willing to risk everything. I read hundreds of diary entries, hundreds of letters sent home to families and I was fascinated. Now, if I were normal, I would have just taken this information and chalked it up as part of my research. Not this girl... What if... the letters accumulated into a story? And what if the reader could ONLY get their information about the characters FROM the letters? And there the thoughts percolated... What if, instead of a book of letters... what if they were ACTUALLY letters? Sent in the mail! Is this a doable thing?? Well I plotted out a story line and sent out a personal invitation exclusive to my email list comprised of people who know my writing and suggested the idea. They loved it, took a chance on this new idea and since then, I have re-launched to the public three more times! I've learned a lot along the way. (One, being that the post office doesn't always cooperate with my plans! and Two, my audience loves being spoiled!) In addition to the actual letters that are mailed out twice per month, subscribers have the opportunity to request extra "gifts" along the way. (Gift- giving is my love language, so I LOVE this idea!) But I still wasn't quite satisfied... so I added a full-length novel at the end of the "story". So it takes thirteen months for all of the letters to be delivered. And after the final letter is delivered, the book arrives. The book- is NOT just a copy of the letters and diary entries all bound together. It is a complete RE-Telling of the story from a different perspective. (Because I'm "extra".) The letters and diary entries are told from the perspective of the "writer" of the letter- meaning, they only know what they can know. But the book is from the perspective of a narrator. A "narrator" knows all. So the lingering questions you might have about "what happened to this person or that person", or "why is this person like this"... those are all answered in the book. From an author's perspective, this is the most difficult and challenging thing I have ever created. But it is also the most exciting. Authors don't usually get to communicate with their readers, and I send out notes and post cards all the time! Authors don't usually get feedback from their readers, but I am loved and encouraged by the subscribers all the time. It's a new concept for sure- it keeps me on my toes and does not allow for me to become idle or distracted, (some of the writers biggest "fears") as I know my readers are anxiously awaiting their next letter. We are now into season two of the Westward Bound Series and I am just as excited as I was a little over a year ago when this all started. If this is all new to you- Welcome!- and if you'd like more information, head on over to the Lavender Letters page and depending on when you see this you may be able to link to the sales page or jump on the waitlist. (Because of the detailed organization that has to go along with creating Lavender Letters, I can only open the doors to new subscribers twice per year. May and December.) If you're more curious about my writing style in a stand-alone book, you're welcome to check those out by clicking here. I am SO honored that so many have chosen to follow me down this Oregon Trail of writing... I know it's new, and different and you can't "binge-read" the whole story in a few days, but I am so grateful to be able to create exciting stories that are being loved by my readers.
30 Day Kindness Challenge I got so much response from my Put A Little Love In Your Heart & Share It blog, that I've decided to put some things into action! Thank you for your feed back (and compliments on the picture, lol, that was very kind of you!) but for a minute there, I thought I was the only one who felt this way or saw the lack of human connection! I've decided to create a 30 Day Kindness Challenge and I'm inviting you to participate with me! Here's why: - We all need to feel loved and valued but sometimes it takes giving love to receive it. So this is a great opportunity to give love to others and feel the benefit of just... giving. - It feels good. - In our high-tech world, it has become apparent that we are slipping further and further away from our relationships with other humans. The challenge takes us away from the computer and cell phones, and puts us in play with others. - If the response is anything like what I'm thinking, this could become a worldwide event! How awesome would it be to say you were a part of a Love Challenge that went WORLDWIDE!! I've already gotten commitments from FOUR other countries!! - Love is contagious. Maybe it takes YOU to start the trend and it will take off from there... But why now? Sure, it makes sense to start on the first day of the new month, but I got so excited from the response that one thing just led to another... and you know, bam, a challenge was created! I just felt the need to get started right away while the iron was hot. So- the 30 Day Kindness Challenge will begin June 15th through July 14th. They say that a new habit can take hold by repeating the action for at least two weeks. BUT, it is 80% MORE likely to stick if it is practiced for thirty days! It is also proven that kindness isn't necessarily a trait that we are born with, but it IS an action that can be learned if taught and practiced. It's true, apparently, there are those out there in the world that don't know how to give or receive kindness. SO- I'm hoping to change the world for the next thirty days, and I'd like for you to come along! I know that there are tons of excuses running through your head right now as to why you can't (or won't) participate... "I'm really busy right now." "I don't like to talk to people." "I don't have any money." I'd really like to impress on you that it's ONLY 30 days and that it won't take up too much of your time. You control how much time you devote to it!! - It's COMPLETELY FREE to participate - There's NO signing up (or sneaky marketing ploys) - There's NO cost (unless you choose) - It's be FUN!!! And I promise you, it WILL be rewarding. All you have to do is commit to 30 days of simple acts of kindness and agree to share your results with the rest of us! Tell us what you did and what the reaction was (if you were able to see one!) If you are uncomfortable telling us the specifics (Matthew 6:1) then just share "I did an act of kindness today and the reaction was ______________" That way we can still share in your joy! Invite others to participate! (Hebrews 10:24) Let it be contagious! I am anxious to see how many we can get to join with us and how far across the globe we can reach! I'll be right there with you and I'll be encouraging you on this blog as well. AND~ to keep you inspired and motivated, I've got some prizes to give away at the end of our 30 days! So without further adieu, let's begin the 30 Day Kindness Challenge!! STEP ONE- If you want to join- leave a comment below this blog or follow me on Facebook and leave your commitment statement there! Let the world know (and me!) that you are stepping up to meet the 30 Day Kindness Challenge!! STEP TWO- Spread the word!! It's always more fun doing stuff with friends! And think of all the new things you could think of when you have someone else plotting with you! STEP THREE- Get Out There and Do Your Thing! Show some love! Spread a little kindness! Need some ideas to get you started? Check this blog (the one that got this whole thing started!) for a few ideas! Need more ideas? Follow me on Facebook and read the comments that others are leaving! This is one time I give you permission to steal ideas and put them to your use!! Lol! Remember, it doesn't begin until June 15th so that gives you a few days to think of some ideas and maybe set back a few dollars if you're planning to do some monetary kindness. There are SO many opportunities to show kindness! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! STEP FOUR- Share your progress with the rest of us! Follow me on Facebook and add your results along with others! Read what everyone else is doing and pass it along! Be sure to tell everyone that you're participating in the 30 Day Kindness Challenge and maybe they want to do it too!! I can't wait to see where this leads!! It's going to be SO awesome!! Please share the posts you see on Facebook so we can determine how far and wide we can really get this thing to go!! Can't wait to read your name below!! And let me be the first to offer these words of kindness. You are valued and loved and by participating in the 30 Day Kindness Challenge, you will be helping others feel loved too. Thank you so much for joining with me!! Let's go make a difference!!
There's a lot of changes going on at the Elizabeth Bourgeret camp and when you visit the website, it's like going to a playground and not being able to play on anything! I know there are a lot of new tabs to click on that are not giving you the information that you're looking for, but I promise you, we're working on it! The teen photo shoot is scheduled for this Sunday, and that was part of the hold up because we need the images from the photo shoot. (If you haven't signed up for the shoot and still want to, click on the camera icon on the home page for all the details.) And, honestly, there is just SO much happening that I'm having trouble keeping up! All good things, I assure you. As you might have seen, I'm opening up my Teen Life Coaching sessions on a broader (more public) scale and the brand new Total Truth Teen Workshop which will be launched in St. Louis in January 2014! (Then, look for it in your city after that!) I have switched my schedule around so I can kick my speaking engagement opportunities up a notch and yes, on top of that, I will still be writing my fiction novels and non-fiction books. The next fiction, Waiting for the Sun, should be released in Spring of 2014. And that's not all! There's more! But I'll tell you about those things another time! As you can see, things are pretty busy around here! So, I just wanted to thank you for your patience and to ask you to please come back and visit when it all gets set up and running smoothly! I'll be sure to share in more detail with you all the new things that are going on. I just know you'll be excited right along with me! I anticipate that the site will be completed by October 14th. (Whoo! There's something about putting that date out there that motivates me to work twice as hard! Don't want to disappoint!) I hope you will like the changes that are coming and it will benefit your lives in positive ways. I am already so blessed that I didn't think it could get any better, but I am happy to be wrong! |
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August 2024