Book Launch Party "They say that writing is a solitary act. And the actual sitting with a notebook or in front of the computer is, but so much happens before and during those points. I am nothing without the people who inspire and encourage me. Sometimes, its negative encouragement making me work harder in spite of people or circumstances... but mostly, its positive. And as I look out to all of you, I am so filled with gratitude. There are a few holes in the crowd, that I am missing terribly. My oldest daughter and my siblings, but I am so happy that all of you have tried to fill in those gaps. It means so much to me that you are here showing your support and encouraging me in this particular chapter. The writing of this book, ended up being about a five year process. Probably... ok, definitely longer than it should have been. But a very small amount of that was solitary. Apparently, it takes a village to write my books! Editing, critiquing, pushing, irritating, praying, teasing, encouraging and all the other things and emotions it takes for me to function and move in a forward motion. It takes you. All of you. I hope you enjoy this first offering. I hope that your feedback proves that I'll be allowed to continue in this literary world. It makes me happy to put my thoughts and story ideas down on paper and create characters and spin stories that others might be able to enjoy or perhaps even benefit from. I couldn't be happier if this could be more than a one- time thing. This book is a dream come true for me. I am proof that it really can happen. Dreams coming true... It wasn't easy. Maybe that's why they are called dreams. Because its easier just to keep them behind closed eyes. There were times, even as I was writing, that I allowed self-doubt, outside pressures and a few hundred other stumbling blocks to slow me down or even halt my progress. But there was always someone who helped me get past every obstacle to reach this moment. So if you have a dream, take the steps necessary to reach it. You will be faced with hurdles, and trials and people will try and discourage you. But if its important to you, don't just wish it, or think about it. Surround yourself with people who love you and believe in you. Make it happen. Go get it. I did, and you can too." Yes, well... That was the speech that I intended to give the evening of the Book Launch Party. But, when the time came, things didn't go very smoothly. By the time I got in front of my guests- forgetting my speech notes and nerves and emotions welling up in me it came out as a stuttering calamity of "thank yous" and "I'm so happys". I think I managed to sputter out something about going after your dreams but over all, the entire speech-thing was a disaster. So, I humbly offer up the what-I-meant-to-say speech... There were a few other glitches other than the speech, but considering this was my first book launch, I don't think it went too terrible! I mean, I had a great time. It's always fun to dress up and play hostess. Good food, good music, dancing, good friends and family. What else really matters? Oh, and I sold quite a few books. That was exciting. Really exciting. I don't expect to get rich, by any means, but it is really nice to get a tiny bit of recognition for all of my hours and hours of hard work. It was enough to want me to try again. Keep writing and see what happens. I thank everyone (again) for coming out and supporting me and putting up with my emotional roller coaster as details got ironed out (or not).
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August 2024